RAC Build on Solaris : Second Phase
Oracle 10g R2 RAC Installation for Temp Nodes:
Step by Step instructions for installing Oracle 10g R2 RAC installation. The procedures will provide STEP by STEP guide you for installing two nodes (tempracsrv3 and tempracsrv4). Installation on this phase includes documentation on how to verify the installation and configuration is installed correctly. Step by Step instructions on creating RAC database, importing schemas from oracle 9i database into new databases, and testing database and node connectivity for this phase of the step by step instructions.
10g RAC Installation (Part-II Clusterware & Database Installation)
1. Install Oracle Clusterware
Mount the Clusterware dvd in the tempracsrv3 and run the runInstaller
After downloading, as the oracle user on tempracsrv3, execute
1. Welcome: Click on Next.
2. Specify Inventory directory and credentials:
o Enter the full path of the inventory directory:
o Specify Operating System group name: oinstall.
3. Specify Home Details:
o Name: OraCrs10g_home
o /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1
4. Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks:
o Ignore the warning on physical memory requirement.
5. Specify Cluster Configuration: Click on Add.
o Public Node Name: tempracsrv4.mycorpdomain.com
o Private Node Name: tempracsrv4-priv.mycorpdomain.com
o Virtual Host Name: tempracsrv4-vip.mycorpdomain.com
6. Specify Network Interface Usage:
o Interface Name: eth0
o Subnet:
o Interface Type: Public
o Interface Name: eth1
o Subnet:
o Interface Type: Private
7. Specify Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) Location: Select External Redundancy.
For simplicity, here you will not mirror the OCR. In a production environment,
you may want to consider multiplexing the OCR for higher redundancy.
o Specify OCR Location: /u01/ocr_config
8. Specify Voting Disk Location: Select External Redundancy.
Similarly, for simplicity, we have chosen not to mirror the Voting Disk.
o Voting Disk Location: /u01/votingdisk
9. Summary: Click on Install.
10. Execute Configuration scripts: Execute the scripts below as the root user
sequentially, one at a time. Do not proceed to the next script until the current
script completes.
o Execute /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh on tempracsrv3.
o Execute /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh on tempracsrv4.
o Execute /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/root.sh on tempracsrv3.
o Execute /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/root.sh on tempracsrv4.
The root.sh script on tempracsrv4 invoked the VIPCA automatically but it failed with the
error “The given interface(s), “eth0″ is not public. Public interfaces should be
used to configure virtual IPs.” As you are using a non-routable IP address
(192.168.x.x) for the public interface, the Oracle Cluster Verification Utility
(CVU) could not find a suitable public interface. A workaround is to run VIPCA
11. As the root user, manually invokes VIPCA on the second node.
# /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/bin/vipca
Welcome: Click on Next.
Network Interfaces: Select eth0.
Virtual IPs for cluster nodes:
o Node name: tempracsrv3
o IP Alias Name: tempracsrv3-vip
o IP address:
o Subnet Mask:
o Node name: tempracsrv4
o IP Alias Name: tempracsrv4-vip
o IP address:
o Subnet Mask:
Summary: Click on Finish.
Configuration Assistant Progress Dialog: After the configuration has completed,
Click on OK.
Configuration Results: Click on Exit.
Return to the Execute Configuration scripts screen on tempracsrv3 and click on OK.
Configuration Assistants: Verify that all checks are successful. The OUI does a
Clusterware post-installation check at the end. If the CVU fails, correct the
Problem and re-run the following command as the oracle user.
tempracsrv3-> /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/bin/cluvfy stage -post crsinst -n tempracsrv3, tempracsrv4
23. Performing post-checks for cluster services setup
25. Checking node reachability…
26. Node reachability check passed from node “tempracsrv3”.
28. Checking user equivalence…
29. User equivalence check passed for user “oracle”.
31. Checking Cluster manager integrity…
33. Checking CSS daemon…
34. Daemon status check passed for “CSS daemon”.
36. Cluster manager integrity check passed.
38. Checking cluster integrity…
40. Cluster integrity check passed
42. Checking OCR integrity…
44. Checking the absence of a non-clustered configuration…
45. All nodes free of non-clustered, local-only configurations.
47. Uniqueness check for OCR device passed.
49. Checking the version of OCR…
50. OCR of correct Version “2” exists.
52. Checking data integrity of OCR…
53. Data integrity check for OCR passed.
55. OCR integrity check passed.
57. Checking CRS integrity…
59. Checking daemon liveness…
60. Liveness check passed for “CRS daemon”.
62. Checking daemon liveness…
63. Liveness check passed for “CSS daemon”.
65. Checking daemon liveness…
66. Liveness check passed for “EVM daemon”.
68. Checking CRS health…
69. CRS health check passed.
71. CRS integrity check passed.
73. Checking node application existence…
75. Checking existence of VIP node application (required)
76. Check passed.
78. Checking existence of ONS node application (optional)
79. Check passed.
81. Checking existence of GSD node application (optional)
82. Check passed.
84. Post-check for cluster services setup was successful.
85. End of Installation: Click on Exit.
2. Install Oracle Database 10g Release 2
After mounting database 10g R2 DVD run the installer
tempracsrv3-> ./runInstaller
1. Welcome: Click on Next.
2. Select Installation Type:
o Select Enterprise Edition.
3. Specify Home Details:
o Name: OraDb10g_home1
o Path: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
4. Specify Hardware Cluster Installation Mode:
Select the “Cluster Install” option and make sure both RAC nodes are selected, the click the “Next” button
o Select the “Install database Software only” option, then click the “Next” button.
Wait while the prerequisite checks are done. If you have any failures correct them and retry the tests before clicking the “Next” button.
7. Select the “Install database Software only” option, then click the “Next” button.
8. On the “Summary” screen, click the “Install” button to continue.
9. Wait while the database software installs.
10. Once the installation is complete, wait while the configuration assistants run.
11. Execute the “root.sh” scripts on both nodes, as instructed on the “Execute Configuration scripts” screen, then click the “OK” button.
12. When the installation is complete, click the “Exit” button to leave the installer.
Create a Database using the DBCA
Login to tempracsrv3 as the oracle user and start the Database Configuration Assistant.
Run the command dbca
On the “Welcome” screen, select the “Oracle Real Application Clusters database” option and click the “Next” button.
Select the “Create a Database” option and click the “Next” button.
Highlight both RAC nodes(tempracsrv3,tempracsrv4) and click the “Next” button.
Select the “Custom Database” option and click the “Next” button.
Enter the values “DEVDB.WORLD” and “DEVDB” for the Global Database Name and SID Prefix respectively, and then click the “Next” button.
Accept the management options by clicking the “Next” button. If you are attempting the installation on a server with limited memory, you may prefer not to configure Enterprise Manager at this time.
Enter database passwords then click the “Next” button.
Select the “Cluster File System” option, then click the “Next” button.
Select the “Use Oracle-Managed Files” option and enter “/u01/oradata/” as the database location, then click the “Next” button.
Check the “Specify Flash Recovery Area” option and accept the default location by clicking the “Next” button.
Uncheck all but the “Enterprise Manager Repository” option, then click the “Standard Database Components…” button.
Uncheck all but the “Oracle JVM” option, then click the “OK” button, followed by the “Next” button on the previous screen. If you are attempting the installation on a server with limited memory, you may prefer not to install the JVM at this time.
Accept the current database services configuration by clicking the “Next” button.
Select the “Custom” memory management option and accept the default settings by clicking the “Next” button.
Accept the database storage settings by clicking the “Next” button.
Accept the database creation options by clicking the “Finish” button.
Accept the summary information by clicking the “OK” button.
Wait while the database is created.
Once the database creation is complete you are presented with the A screen. Make a note of the information on the screen and click the “Exit” button.
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Sep 16 12:27:11 2006
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP and Data Mining options
SQL> CONN sys/password@rac1 AS SYSDBA
SQL> SELECT instance_name, host_name FROM v$instance;
---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
devdb1 tempracsrv3
SQL> CONN sys/password@rac2 AS SYSDBA
SQL> SELECT instance_name, host_name FROM v$instance;
---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
devdb2 tempracsrv4
Importing data
Login to the EM of the RAC
Using sys as sysdba
And create the required tablespace as it was in the source…
Then import the entire dump file which we did via export in the oracle 9i database one by one with the same user in which schema the data was exported.
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