Disk Space Required for EBS 11i & 12

Posted by Sagar Patil

Release 12  Disk Space Required

Rapid Install installs the file system and database files for all products, regardless of their licensed status. The approximate file system requirements in a standard installation are:

Applications node file system (includes OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME, OracleAS 10.1.3 ORACLE_HOME, COMMON_TOP, APPL_TOP, and INST_TOP) 28 GB (40 GB on HP-UX Itanium)
Database node file system (Fresh install) 45 GB
Database node file system (Vision Demo database) 133 GB (145 GB on HP-UX Itanium)

I just finished installing a Release 12 Vision instance on my dell Poweredge 2650 servers and here is a space usage

[oracle@ebs ~]$ df -k
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1              9920592   3335540   6072984  36% /
/dev/sda3            263226696 240114568   9525156  97% /oracle
tmpfs                  1749784         0   1749784   0% /dev/shm

MY /oracle volume consists of Staging area for software , about 70GB

[oracle@ebs ~]$ cd /oracle/stage/
[oracle@ebs stage]$ du -s

Total Space used by Apps 12 install = 240114568   – 72527264    = 167587304 i.e 167 GB

Release 11i  Disk Space Required

Rapid Install installs the file system and database files for all products regardless of their licensed status. The approximate file sizes in a single-node installation are:

Applications node file system (includes iAS/8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME, COMMON_TOP, and APPL_TOP) 26 GB
Database tier file system (fresh install with a production database)  OR

Database tier file system (fresh install with a Vision Demo database)

31 GB

65 GB

Total space for a single node system, not including stage area 57 GB for a fresh Install with a production database
91 GB for a fresh install with a Vision Demo

Oracle RDBMS Release Nomenclature

Posted by Sagar Patil

Before 9i

8 RDBMS Version Number
1 New Features Release Number
5 Maintenance  Release Number
1 Generic Patch Set Number
2 Platform Patch Set Number


After 9i 

9 RDBMS Version Number
2 Database Maintenance  Release Number
0 Application Server Release Number
1 Component Specific Release Number
2 Platform Specific Release Number
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