Check out current configuration information
srvctl config database |
Displays the configuration information of the cluster database. |
srvctl config service |
Displays the configuration information for the services. |
srvctl config nodeapps |
Displays the configuration information for the node applications. |
srvctl config asm |
Displays the configuration for the ASM instances on the node. |
Summary of srvctl commands.
Command |
Targets |
Description |
srvctl add
srvctl modify
srvctl remove |
nodeapps |
srvctl add / remove adds/removes target‘s configuration information to/from the OCR.srvctl modify allows you to change some of target‘s configuration information in the OCR without wiping out the rest. |
srvctl relocate |
service |
Allows you to reallocate a service from one named instance to another named instance. |
srvctl config |
asm |
Lists configuration information for target from the OCR. |
srvctl disable
srvctl enable |
asm |
srvctl disable disables target, meaning CRS will not consider it for automatic startup, failover, or restart. This option is useful to ensure an object that is down for maintenance is not accidentally automatically restarted.srvctl enable reenables the specified object. |
srvctl getenv
srvctl setenv
srvctl unsetenv |
nodeapps |
srvctl getenv displays the environment variables stored in the OCR for target.srvctl setenv allows these variables to be set, and unsetenv unsets them. |
srvctl start
srvctl status
srvctl stop |
asm |
Start, stop, or display status (started or stopped) of target. |
Adding a Database Service
srvctl add service -d <database_name> -s <5ervice_name> -r “<preferred list>”
londonl$ srvctl add service -6 RAC -s SERVICE2 -i “RACl,RAC2” -a “RAC3,RAC4”
Starting a Database Service
srvctl start service -d <database_name> [-s “<service_name_li$t>” [-1 <in$t_name>]] [-0 <start_options>] [-c <connect_str> | -q]
londonl$ srvctl start service -d RAC -s “SERVICEl,SERVICE2”
Stopping a Database Service
srvctl stop service -d <database_name> [-s “<service_naine_list>” [-1 <inst_name>]] [-C <connect_str> | -q] [-f]
londonl$ srvctl stop service -d RAC -s “SERVICE2,SERVICE3” -f
Checking the Current Database Service Configuration
srvctl config service -d <database_name> [-s <service_name>] [-a] [-S <level>]
londonl$ srvctl config service -d RAC -a
The -a option includes information about the configuration of TAF for the database service
Checking Current Database Service Status
srvctl status service -d <name> -s “<service_name_list>” [-f] [-v] [-S <level>]
londonl$ srvctl status service -d RAC -s “SERVICEl,SERVICE4”
Enabling and Disabling a Database Service
srvctl disable service -d <database_name> -s “<service_name_list>” [-i <in$t_name>]
londonl$ srvctl disable service -d RAC -s SERVICE2 -i RAC4
srvctl enable service -d <database_name> -s “<service_name_list>” [-i <inst_name>]
londonl$ srvctl enable service -d RAC -s SERVICE2 -i RAC4
Removing a Database Service
srvctl remove service -d <database_name> -s <service_name> [ – i <inst_narne>] [-f]
londonl$ srvctl remove service -d RAC -s SERVICE4
Relocating a Database Service
srvctl relocate service -d <database_name> -s <service_name> -i <old_inst_name> -r <new_inst_name> [-f]
londonl$ srvctl relocate service -d RAC -s SERVICES -i RAC2 -t RAC4
Administering Instances
Starting an instance : srvctl start instance -d prod -i “prod1,prod2”
Stopping an instance: srvctl stop instance -d prod -i “prod1,prod2”
Checking the status of an instance : srvctl status instance -d prod – i “prod1,prod2”
Adding a new instance configuration : srvctl add instance -d prod – i prod3 -n prod3_node
Removing an existing instance configuration: srvctl remove instance -d prod3-i prod3_node
Disabling an instance: srvctl disable instance -d prod -i “prod1,prod2”
Enabling an instance : srvctl enable instance -d prod -i “prod1,prod2