Clone a WebShere installation on another server

Posted By Sagar Patil

Method 1:

1) Install exact websphere version including fixpack on a new machine
Note you have to make sure to use same install path for example

2) create dmgr and nodeprofile on a NEW machine

3) Stop the dmgr, nodeagent and all application server on OLD machine

4) Tar/zip up complete dmgr profile directory and node profile from OLD machine and untar/unzip on a NEW machine

Now change hostname entries in the websphere configuration and Use following link for changing hostname
WebSphere Application Server V6.0 best practices for configuration changes

5) Once new DMGR is up , manually sync node with dmgr using syncnode command
$NODE_HOME/bin$syncnode newdmgrhostname dmgrsoapport -username user -password password

6)  once sync went fine start the nodeagent and make sure sync status shows correctly on dmgr console

7)  Now start all application server from dmgrconsole






Method 2

1) Install exact websphere version including fixpack on a new machine
Note you have to make sure to use same install path

2) Don’t create any profiles

3) Tar/zip up complete dmgr profile directory and node profile from OLD machine and untar/unzip on a NEW machine

4) Use rename node Command to rename Node

$DMGR_HME/bin$ localhost 8879 newnode

Note : You need to have deployment manager working to use renamenode command.



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