Configuring Websphere Plugin with NAGIOS Monitoring System

Posted By Sagar Patil

1. Download WAS plugin for Nagios from here.

2. Place check_was, check_was-<version>.jar and check_was.profiles in the same directory (e.g. /opt/plugins/custom). Make sure check_was is executable by your Nagios user

For my example here, I have following parameters:


$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Dplugin.home=”$PLUGIN_HOME” -cp $PLUGIN_HOME/check_was-0.3.jar:$WAS_HOME/runtimes/$WAS_HOME/runtimes/$WAS_HOME/plugins/ com.googlecode.nagioswas.Run $*  2> /dev/null

See relevant Jar files above are at respective directories.

“Server_member1″ is name of Application Server (JVM) so add parameters for each JVM suffixed with name of JVM

# I am running websphere with no ADMIN security enabled
server_member1.port=8882 (Locate SOAP port number from  (DMGR->Servers -> Relevant Application Server -> Communications -> Ports)

3. Update check_was by setting the environment variables at the start of the script to the appropriate values for your server.

JAVA_HOME : must point to an IBM JRE/JDK.
WAS_HOME  : needs to point to a directory that contains a directory named “runtimes” containing the following WAS libraries:<version>.jar and<version>.jar. If you run the plugin on the same server as WAS, WAS_HOME should point to the WAS install directory.

Edit check_was.servers. This file should contain the configuration to connect to your WAS server.

For each server, the following properties should be provided:
<server alias>.hostname=<the hostname or IP of the WAS server>
<server alias>.port=<the port of the SOAP connector on the server, e.g. 8880>
<server alias>.username=<the admin user name>
<server alias>.password=<the admin password>
<server alias>.securityenabled=<true if security is enabled, false otherwise>
<server alias>.truststore=<the path to the keystore containing the certificated to be used for SSL. If you are running the plugin on your WAS server and use the default WAS keystores, this should point to etc/trust.p12 in your profile>
<server alias>.truststorepassword=<the password for the trust store>
<server alias>.keystore=<the path to the keystore containing the private key to be used for SSL. If you are running the plugin on your WAS server and use the default WAS keystores, this should point to etc/key.p12 in your profile>
<server alias>.keystorepassword=<the password for the key store>

-w sets the threshold percent used for issuing warnings
-c sets the threshold percent used for issuing critical issues
-p sets the server name in check_was.servers to be used
<server name>  : JVM used with scripts here server_member1

Monitor JVM heapSize :
JVM heapsize is provided for the entire server. It is measured as: percent used/maximum configured
To Monitor, check_was -s heapsize -w 80 -c 90 -p <server name>

[was61@Server1 check_was-0.3]$ ./check_was -s heapsize -w 80 -c 90 -p server_member1
OK – heapsize: 1048576/2097152 (50.0%)|heapsize=50.0%;80;90;

MonitorLiveSessions :
Live session usage can be monitored for the entire server (all hosts) or with a named host. It is measured as: Number of live sessions

To monitor,
[was61@Server1 check_was-0.3]$ ./check_was -s sessions -w 200 -c 400 -p server_member1
OK – live sessions: total 0, default_hostCTI 0, default_hostprsysmgmt 0, default_hostprweb 0, default_hostprdbutil 0|total=0.0;200;400; default_hostcti=0.0;200;400; default_hostprsysmgmt=0.0;200;400; default_hostprweb=0.0;200;400; default_hostprdbutil=0.0;200;400;

JDBC connection pool usage can be monitored for the entire server (all connection pools) or with a named connection pool. It is measured as: percent used/maximum configured

To monitor :
[was61@Server1 check_was-0.3]$ ./check_was -s connectionpool -w 80 -c 90 -p server_member
OK – connection pool size: Oracle JDBC Driver 5/100 (5.0%)|oraclejdbcdriver=5.0%;80;90;

MonitorThreadPools :
Thread pool usage can be monitored for the entire server (all thread pools) or with a named thread pool. It is measured as: percent used/maximum configured

To monitor :
[was61@Server1 check_was-0.3]$ ./check_was -s threadpool -w 80 -c 90 -p server_member1
CRITICAL – thread pool size: WebContainer 4/100 (4.0%), SoapConnectorThreadPool 3/5 (60.0%), SIBFAPInboundThreadPool 0/50 (0.0%), HAManager.thread.pool 2/2 (100.0%), MessageListenerThreadPool 0/50 (0.0%), ORB.thread.pool 0/50 (0.0%), SIBFAPThreadPool 2/50 (4.0%), ProcessDiscovery 1/2 (50.0%), TCPChannel.DCS 3/20 (15.0%)|webcontainer=4.0%;80;90; soapconnectorthreadpool=60.0%;80;90; sibfapinboundthreadpool=0.0%;80;90; hamanager_thread_pool=100.0%;80;90; messagelistenerthreadpool=0.0%;80;90; orb_thread_pool=0.0%;80;90; sibfapthreadpool=4.0%;80;90; processdiscovery=50.0%;80;90; tcpchannel_dcs=15.0%;80;90;

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