Monitoring Oracle E-Business Suite.

Posted By Sagar Patil
  1. Database monitoring
  2. Apache monitoring
  3. Forms monitoring
  4. Concurrent Manager monitoring
  5. Server monitoring
  6. Network monitoring
  7. Additional monitoring and troubleshooting

1. Database monitoring :

• Check Database alert log files & Database listener log file
• Check Database is up and running using “ps –ef | grep “ commands
• Look for Database sessions (idle sessions, high active sessions, high CPU consumers, total sessions, long running sessions, and blocking sessions). You will find number of sql/shell scripts on google for it.
• Database storage (datafile sizing, objects that are unable to extend, and maximum extent issues)

2.Apache monitoring : Check status of apache using  “ status ”

• The $APACHE_TOP/Apache/logs directory contains files such as error_log and error_log_pls.
• The JServ log files are located in the $APACHE_TOP/Apache/Jserv/logs and $APACHE_TOP/Apache/Jserv/logs/jvm directories.

If you want to enable additional logging, you can modify level of debug messaging in the jserv.log file.
The location of the jserv.log file is defined by the log.file parameter in the file.

Steps for enabling additional logging:

1. Set LogLevel to DEBUG in $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf/httpd.conf.
2. Set ApJservLogLevel to DEBUG in $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf.
3. Make the following changes to $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/

  • Add wrapper.bin.parameters=-Djbo.debugoutput=console
  • Set log=true
  • Set
  • Set
  • Set

Once these changes are made, review the log files for information to assist with troubleshooting the underlying issue.

Troubleshooting iAS Configuration :

The most comprehensive tool is the AOL/J Test.

  • To access AOL/J Test tool directly, use  :/OA_HTML/jsp/fnd/aoljtest.jsp”>http://<hostname>:<port>/OA_HTML/jsp/fnd/aoljtest.jsp
  • Enter the requested information, and click the Test button to continue.
  • The program will establish a connection to database and return a screen with the Java version and classpath environment settings.  From this screen, the user can select a link to Enter AOL/J Setup Test
  • The AOL/J Setup Tests page can be used to verify DBC file settings, display and test the Web Agent settings, display and test the Servlet Agent settings, and test X Server access.

Testing Java Servlet Configuration :

To validate Java servlet configuration access following URL:
http://[host IP:port]/oa_servlets/oracle.pps.fnd.text.HelloWorldServlet

Monitoring the JVM Pool : http://[hostname]:[port]/servlets/OAAppModPoolMonitor

With the 5.10 Framework, above link is invalid, and global Diagnostics button or OAM is the source for this information instead.

3. Forms monitoring  : One can monitor Forms server using GUI tool OAM  (oracle applications manager)

Monitoring Forms Dump Files : Forms Server dump files are created on Forms Node. These files are created in the directory where Forms process was started. The dump files are named f60webmx_dump_xxxx, where xxxx is a process number.

4. Concurrent Manager monitoring

Monitoring Concurrent Manager log Files :

Concurrent Manager log and output files are located in the $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG and $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT directories.

Reviewing active concurrent requests :

This could be done using OAM or running script SQL>@$FND_TOP/sql/afcmrrq

Monitoring pending concurrent requests:

At OAM select “Site Map > Administration > Concurrent Request > Pending Requests menu”

Canceling active concurrent requests :

This could be done using OAM or use TOAD/SQLplus to look for resource intensive SQL session. Killing such session should release pressure on system.

5. Server monitoring:

Make sure Server is accessible, use OS commands to look at CPU/DISK/IO/Memory Utilisation

6. Network monitoring  :

Use “ping” and “tracert“ commands

7. Additional monitoring and troubleshooting

Monitoring configuration issues:
Monitoring database and system backups: Often nightly backups overlap working hours causing database performance issues
Troubleshooting JInitiator :  If users encounter problems running applications on their workstations,try
• Clearing the JAR cache
• Using the Java console

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