Understanding 11g Grid Directory Structure , Config & Log files
If you can’t see directory structure properly, use this file
$cd /opt/app/oracle/Middleware [oracle@Middleware]$ tree -L 2 . |-- WebLogicServer | |-- Oracle_WT | |-- agent11g | |-- domain-registry.xml | |-- logs | |-- modules | |-- oms11g ($OMS_HOME) | |-- cfgtoollogs (Install Log) | |-- oui | |-- installActions2011XXX.log | |-- oraInstall2011XXX.log | |-- sysman | |-- log | |-- emrepocminst.log | |-- schemamanager | |-- emschema.log (Install Log) | |--config | |-- httpd_em.conf | |-- emoms.properties | |-- oracle_common | |-- patch_wls1032 | |-- registry.dat | |-- registry.xml | |-- user_projects | |-- utils | |-- wlserver_10.3 | |-- common | |-- emnodemanager (Oracle WebLogic Server Logs) | |-- nodemanager.log | |-- nodemanager.properties | -- gc_inst (EM INSTANCE BASE) |-- WebTierIH1 | |-- OHS | |-- auditlogs | |-- bin | |-- config | |-- diagnostics | |-- logs | |-- OPMN | |-- opmn (WebTier logs) | |-- provision.log | |-- opmn.out | |-- debug.log | |-- opmn.log | |-- OHS | |-- ohs1 (WebTier logs) | |-- access_log | |-- mod_wl_ohs.log |-- em | |-- EMGC_OMS1 (OMS_NAME) | |-- emgc.properties ( Contains OMS ServerName, OMS PortNumbers) | |-- Sysman | |-- Log | |-- emoms.log : Main log file for the OMS. | | Number of files created will be = (log4j.appender.emlogAppender.MaxBackupIndex + 1) | |-- emoms.trc : Main trace file for the OMS. | | Number of files created will be = (log4j.appender.emtrcAppender.MaxBackupIndex + 1) | |-- secure.log | | Contains output from the 'emctl secure oms' commands. | |-- emctl.msg | | Created / written to by the HealthMonitor thread of the OMS, when it re-starts the OMS due to a critical error. | |-- emctl.log | Created by the emctl utility, when any commands are executed in the OMS home |-- user_projects |-- domains |-- GCDomain |-- servers |-- EMGC_OMS1 (Oracle WebLogic Server Logs : GRID Logs) |-- logs |-- EMGC_OMS1.log - JVM Application Log |-- access.log - Smiilar to http acess_log |-- EMGC_OMS1.out |-- EMGC_ADMINSERVER (Oracle WebLogic Server Logs : AdminServer Logs) |-- logs |-- EMGC_ADMINSERVER.log |-- GCDomain.log |-- EMGC_ADMINSERVER.out --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component Location --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) <EM_INSTANCE_BASE>/<webtier_instance_name>/diagnostics/logs/OHS/<ohs_name> For example, /u01/app/Oracle/gc_inst/WebTierIH1/diagnostics/logs/OHS/ohs1 OPMN <EM_INSTANCE_BASE>/<webtier_instance_name>/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/<opmn_name> For example, /u01/app/Oracle/gc_inst/WebTierIH1/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn1 Oracle WebLogic <EM_INSTANCE_BASE>/user_projects/domains/<domain_name>/servers/<SERVER_NAME>/logs/<SERVER_NAME>.out For example, /u01/app/Oracle/gc_inst/user_projects/domains/GCDomain/servers/EMGC_OMS1/logs/EMGC_OMS1.out
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